Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Effects Of Althea Contraceptive Pills

chuno @ 2011-01-27T01: 06:00

My fever goes back a little slow ...

neck pain is still there.

I feel like mud.

I feel endlessly empty and lonely right now ... and I can not explain why ...
would if it can only off my head ... but only if the would ...

A look into the distance.

Why am I here? Why am I here ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Marineland Instant Ocean Kit 29 Gallon

Palace / Princess Hours / 궁

Palace / Princess Hours / 궁


Chae-gyeong is a normal High School girl who is interested in art and like to sew. However, they attended the same art institution like the crown prince of the country. With this it is not exactly on friendly terms, having him not only a bucket Schmmutzwasser übergeleert, but has also overheard Nocht, as from his longtime girlfriend Hyo-rin got a basket after he made this one request.
is all the more surprising Santander is that one day people Chae-Gyeong from the palace in her house who want to marry Chae-Gyeong with the Crown Prince, all in accordance with the promise of the already deceased former king, who had exchanged with Chae-Gyeong grandfather such a promise.
Chae-Gyeong have no choice but to agree, since her family is devastated and is being harassed by creditors.
The wedding is quick and painless realtiv completed, but for Chae-Gyeong catch the problem at first. Can they come to terms with the confines of the palace and its strict, outdated rules, and with her reluctant husband? If
can pull themselves together Crown Prince Shin and Chae-Gyeong issues before the Hyo-Rin can share? These questions and share
Chae-Gyeong to complicate but not before an answer is to find out: The friendly, warm-hearted Classmates in Chae-Gyeong class emerges as Prince Yul, former crown prince of the country, it has abandoned not only at the heart of the unloved, young wife, but also to the throne ...

(sometimes stolen quickly Cineglobe)

edge Info:

in Korea although it has no royal family more, but this story is set in an alternative what-if "reality. This is very interesting and it also dive including characters such as Prince William of England.
How would govern a traditional royal family in Korea today, what problems would arise from the way the culture would be different from the Palace of the Outside? All these questions be treated in the drama.

Actually, this is when one reads through the story line so certainly no drama for me, one might think. But that's not true. At first I was quite more than skeptical, but now I love the series. It is designed to be as warm and affectionate, but do not forget the certain amount of drama that makes them almost perfect.
Sure, some comedic deposits nervous of course, but there is something in each series.

I myself can only advise everyone to PALACE time to look. Ju Ji-Hun, who impressed me greatly already in the crime-mystery series LUCIFER revenge on his own, plays a legendary role as crown prince (he's just the way also in the military ...)

Anyone who wants to look at Palace with me? : D

At end of each episode are the most important scenes recreated again with Steiff teddy bears. This is incredibly sweet, although I do not like teddy bears. But they are exactly the same outfit and are in the same premises. Hach, everything is designed so lovingly and faithfully. : D: D \u0026lt;3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ruffa Guitierez & Pops Fernandez

chuno @ 2011-01-16T22: 13:00

this was a nice afternoon and Evening With Andrea, Wotan, bidam, supply and cakes. but ... my heart is still empty feeling .... why can not it end?

I do not want to go to the mucc concert this thursday and especially to the autograph session ... because it gives me much more emptiness.

Can They Find Gallbladder After A Attack

hm ...

Lol! I call Bidam! And he looks at ...

... in the opposite direction. He still seems to be a bit stupid ... ;)

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Trip Planner Septa

chuno @ 2011-01-14T22: 33:00

What's friendship?

Perhaps ... only a little word ...

There is nothing we would do for each other ...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Listerine Oral Thrush

chuno @ 2011-01-13T21: 09:00

알천 is here!

비담 or is a better name? 'ㅅ' or 섴품? ... Because he is a little 화랑;)

now have fun with the transcription \u0026lt;3

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Graph Of China Historical Foreign Exchange Rate

chuno @ 2011-01-11T23: 07:00

I do not have any strength .... Really ... I do not like this life. So Dear Heart ... Please stop beating ...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Doberman On Buffalo Blue Dog Food

chuno @ 2011-01-10T20: 53:00

I'm sad now ...

... because my very last Spiny Mouse 'Thomas' died today ...

; __;

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Survival Rate With Enlarged Heart


It's not like Tatsurou ...

he just makes me laugh, no matter how depressed or sad or frustrated I am right now.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Put Money Debit Card Atm


want my dear, dear, dear Jaechang help me understand better Kim Nam-Gil's Message : D

This was our chat ... is not he cute? : D: D
He is so ... sweet!

And yes, he has Queen Seon Deok also seen and may also KNG.

[Jaechang Lee]
hello.. Melanie.. how are you today?
are you busy? do I interrupt you now if I talk to ?
hello! I'm tired, because it's late in the night and I must early go to work tomorrow
I was on my way to bed...
[Jaechang Lee]
yes.. i woke up now
but it's nice to see you
[Jaechang Lee]
I've read your msg on my facebook.
oh yeah :D:D
[Jaechang Lee]
yes.. wow.. you got the letter from Kim nam gil!
what a great story!! hahahha
It's a letter from his homepage. A chinese girl translated it, but in catastrophal english :(:(
[Jaechang Lee]
it's actually like a poem by Kim Nam Kil.. i think he is really really romantic guy..that;s why you can;t translate the letter into ENGLISH one..
but i can help you..
that is really nice from you <3<3
[Jaechang Lee]
if you want, i can.. but the translation could depended on people's thoughts..
it's very romantic and philosophical..
it's okay
haha, that's Kim Nam-gil :D:D
[Jaechang Lee]
hahaha yes..i was amazed he thinks like that.
have a nice dream .. i will try it .. ^ ^
thaaaank you very very much. * Sending big hugs to Daegu *

Jergens Natural Glow Face Acne

Chuno said so ...

actually limited to the free run of my office very pure hamster on my couch. But the opportunity that I am also housebroken and sometimes disappeared to the toilet, the Goblin Chuno used immediately, to disappear. I found him in my backpack again - after half an hour of searching. As if I knew nothing better to do today. But still ... I was a little smile as he charmed me, then hopped into his hands, with the motto, "I'm almost done with my trip, I'll place it back in his cage."

drink in Fugitive they the same as I just soju, I notice. My delivery is finally here. Good timing.

Jaechang will cheer me up. He says a Brieftäubchen of Daegu is the way to me. Since I'm curious ... Soju

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Conchos Pendants For Jewelry

to swearing and vomiting

I could puke real!
It's so great when you have a private bank by the hand, is not it?

Now I have my mother sometimes 'borrow' back 300 euros (with a view daruaf that I never get the money back) because something is in her car and she can not handle their money! No, rather we are for everything from private pleasure!
And I would lend her anything, she could be the car not repair and do not drive to work and thus would be terminated and who would be guilty?

So I have a fucking choice!

I work hard so the whole month of inventory destroyed for nothing, nothing!

If I had known this before, I would have bought this month NOT an iPhone, yet I was driven to the Koreans, nor I would have gone with my colleagues Tuesday expensive to eat Ludwigshof. Now you can really put me back because the money versäuft their regulars ....

This is not to laugh ... this is like crying ... and Vomit ...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mount And Blade Xp Chart

Kim Nam-Gil / 김남길

One thing I like about him ... his fans that he always called his family members ... ^ ^ '
a little sunshine into the dark cave ... He wrote yesterday, a short message to his "family"

KIM NAM GIL'S NEW YEAR MESSAGE to fans (January 1, 2011) by Kim Nam-gil
(Bidam): Philippines, Sunday, 2 January 2011 at 20:38

I love my family ...

First, to begin my greetings, Happy New Year ... long time no message so I do find it so awkward. keke. ~ ~

Here is my space, our space, right? ... Keke .. far too long It's really weird ... They're going to see this ....

Did you eat a lot of rice cake? And once i saw a kid ate a rice cake who is only one year old in order for him to grow faster. I want to eat quickly, being brother to my friends they wanted to know how much I ate a lot..then I think the rice cake soup, really.

Ha ha ha ha ha .. don't you remember this? Only I had ah ... Well ... Well ... Ahem ... but how will this sad topic end?

Sour nose suddenly become very serious ... .. Oh the innocence may be ... .. I was too far away from it has been unable to recover. ... Looking back ... I did not find the footprints of childhood innocence through the ... footprints too much ... because I instinctively know ... these times it is irreversible. ... how? my family ...?

Recently I like it ... Happy New Year, to have regards to health and the like, before I was blessed to hear words from others, I want to do it. So it always someone else to care with regards to others For this .... share the happiness, it would be like the Happy viruses can spread even further?

I seem to have thought so ... Today is the first day of New Year, it would be more pleasant topic to talk about it ....?? Oh hey hey as I said, our family will regret for the passage of time, there will be fascination with it ..? not the people ...??

I'm doing really crazy, no regrets, have been very good ~ ~ ~ ~? Show of hands??? Well ... .. my fans are not that much. not bad, but we are still a family ..hehe

Even better is this obsession you must have it ... This year we remember the past ... to minimize the time will make people feel sad, so how to spend a year? Be mature, to get a little too deep, then a more careful way of doing things, but also support and encourage honestly ... when you free yourself to look back ... look at the first stop here !!!!! Do not look back too soon!! Oh get the idea ... that day will I always come back Let your smile ... in a year from now promise me to spend this year to wait for me. well over a year now, can you?

My father did not say anything in here but he is telling me not to doze off at the back and do something else!!! But i am not beaten now.

Corporal punishment in schools is prohibited and now routinely banned at home. But my dad is even better to teach me. But Hey are my children supposed to hear a good home schooling !! why not?

Ha ha ha ha I suddenly think about the idea of the "head master one", that is it .... Ha ha ha ( I presume he is imagining himself as a teacher here since he post some pieces of advice from the above paragraph. LOL~l)

I wish you health, happiness, my dear family members.


love to my family .... First, Happy New Year to begin with

afraid ... for a long time to write my story ... Why is it so awkward to do so ... keke

Here is my space, our space, right? ... Keke It's really weird .. very long time ... They're going to see this flick .... They ate a lot of

kuk? .. And I saw in the past, when a child would eat rice cake ... eat a live burn at the age of malttaemune ㅋ ㅋ

quickly wanted to eat, to my friends Being caught by brother and how much I want to eat ... then I think what you really .. They remember that .. hahahahaha

eopna? There's only me ... ahem ... cough .. but why ... ahryeonhameuro approaching the end of the story could come

... ... sukyeonhaeji nose while the two jjinghaeji .. haha .. .. Then again, maybe the purity and can not come back far enough .... wabeorin

look back, I can not find the innocence of childhood, so they lined the tracks ... I could never turn back time, I instinctively know

How about it because .... disintegrated? We are family ...? I nanmalyiya ... ... now I just get a happy New Year greeting the greeting before asking

always healthy to hear that I want to hear those words, I want to do it ... people always chaenggimyeonseo I think a lot of

danyeotdeongeot convey those things ... Happy things that divide, is always happy .. like a virus .... peojilsu away? I think I had them

.. I'm the new year will have a right to talk about bright ....?? Hehe woohehe
As mentioned earlier, we've gone through
family leaves us with lingering regret at the time iteoteulteji things ..? Not they?

I'm really mad, no regrets Now ~ ~ ~ ~ Al lived? Hand?? Yeah ... I'm a few people ... not bad .. but we are family ㅋ ㅋ

people who did so without regret would be that stupid ... We did come a year old and thinking back then

most saddening thing is to reduce the harm that makes you what about one? A little bit more mature, a little bit more Think deeply and act more carefully but always honest

to praise himself for a moment when I saw ... freely back !!!!! Do not look back too much earlier in the day! ㅋ ㅋalatji

then it would come back, then When I look back to laugh Let's promise to come to me ... I work hard to live a year ... is that possible?

say what the answer is no .. .. Dad Lay dozing behind the fuss about doing crazy! Re not beaten now and ... Prohibit corporal punishment in schools routinely

Now banned in schools, even better at home as a father to teach me the rod and family wherever you go .... ㅋ ㅋ we're supposed to talk about home schooling well received! Angeurya? Master Du

keuhahaha suddenly all of a sudden think the word is out .... LOL

늘 건강 하고 행복 하길 우리 사랑 하는 식구들 ....

(disclaimer: this is a rough translation I made, still to confirm with the KNG Baidu China for their translation, if they can help us out here ^ ^ ~ lyra.)

Abnormal Paps And Pregnancy

chuno @ 2011-01-03T00: 03:00

"... we then look The next time "

Aha. and when should it be?
I have plenty to April not a single day's holiday and that I am going to actually to Merano.
I do not believe it.

hope is up.
you last, but at some point ...

Why should not the group soon arrive in Korea? Because the story then takes a quick end to? Fear that this end is not only the end of the story?

For me, everything is more.

I do not believe in a next time .. on what to believe at all? sleep

attempts to wake up to work - trying to sleep, wake up, work. These days, nothing but this. Balbambalbam georeo ...

I would not sleep a single night more ... wake up and certainly no one more tomorrow.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Newborn Has Lots Of Flem In Throat


caught in thoughts.
Trapped in my view.

I'm not alone and yet hardly alone than at other moments and hope almost be alone in my loneliness to.
It feels like I'm dead in some way and I hoped it were really so, but I know better.
Every night the fear of sleep.
Each sleeping awake the fear of renewed.
On a happy new year ... What a joke.

think in any way I like to hear on the current situational change. I miss the idea entirely or even strength and support, which I probably needed it. I slipped into a rigid deaf and I remain there until ...
... Yes, actually until when?

God, these are thoughts so tiring, without making tired ...

And again I can not sleep.