Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Can Baby Cockroaches Go On Pillows


the weekend in short sentences: On Friday evening
my sister came and Andreas here.
Saturday then to Cologne, in the evening here in the village to the Spaniards - a pub in the tennis clubhouse, but quite acceptable.
The two then drove on Sunday afternoon on, before we were in Arnsberg, I also previously known only from passing by. We had a lot of luck with the weather, in Arnsberg has poured precisely because, as we sat in the cafe (and in a very nice cafe into the bargain).

At work there's a lot to do, so many different things and all the jostling. A somewhat tense atmosphere, although we were usually relaxed and at greater stress, I do not know how it comes.
I still have a bread in the oven plugged sours the dough has been a half days to himself. Something a lot of water in the dough, let's see what comes of it.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pain Of Diverticulitis

The neck of the giraffe

Before I even had joked that the film would have as its title: long. He had for some lengths, car rides, train rides, which seemed a bit too long. Otherwise, a nice bittersweet family story that lives mainly on the good actors and also tells alive.
particularly beautiful and the landscapes: Biarritz must have some very nice corners, I will even go there! (Yes, where you could go anywhere ...)

Since the film began at seven, it was behind still really bright and we had time to sit with us in a pub and gossip.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Acupuncture Toronto Salary


Hach, that was beautiful on Saturday! First we went to the sea and have set ourselves on the warm stones, with a great view of many small sailing boats and no one else in sight. It was really warm again until there came a storm and drove us. Then we ate a plum cake (as always when purchased with immature plum) and in the evening of town's hard to neighboring towns. Since the weather had calmed down, but they were offered mainly feeding and Saufbuden and mediocre music.

I'm learning, but slowly and with setbacks. On Thursday, then the next Lesson ...

Just my dinner consisted of self-collected mushrooms. If this journal end abruptly here, I ask the reader to make a donation to the German poison mushroom reconnaissance eV

Friday, August 18, 2006

Solution Level 19 Electric Box

Lauter women

Since Monday I have an intern in the office, has just done Abi. Now I have the four weeks or less deal makes sense - first, they could type in endless columns of numbers into Excel spreadsheets ...

Angelina morning comes to visit. And next weekend will stop by my sister. Lauter unusual social contacts, I feel overwhelmed - no, actually I feel it's very good.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bam Margera Wedding Invitations

37 Uses for a Dead Sheep

The Pamir Kirghiz lived as nomads in the western half of the Himalayan foothills, small Yurt villages could walk in the seasonal rhythm through the otherwise deserted area. In the cold steppes they operated mainly livestock: sheep, goats, camels and yaks were their livelihood, their horse passion.
expanded after World War II, the young Soviet Union out of their sphere of influence in Central Asia and cast a covetous eye on the cattle herds. Nationalization of agriculture, progress should be brought to remote villages, people brought to the order that had never been sheared by national borders or government.
The Pamir Kirghiz departed to the south of Afghanistan - still under British rule, but the Soviets moved soon after and took over the Power. In the East, China had more room for the Kyrgyz, but the Communist leadership in Beijing, extended their power quickly to the farthest corner of the vast country. An Islamic nomadic people, there was not very welcome. So
led the migration to the south, to Pakistan. Apparently the only way out, but also dead end: in the sub-tropical valleys, they could not pursue their way of life, the end of the trip was a refugee camp near Islamabad.

your charismatic Khan was looking for a solution, and Turkey, she offered was a village in eastern Anatolia stomped out of the ground and the remaining Pamir Kirghiz circa 1976 flown there. Turkish and Kyrgyz are apparently quite are similar, goats are in Anatolia, more than enough, and the little people lived in very well.

The film "37 Uses for a Dead Sheep" visited this village and told his story. If
release the toothless, bearded old earing their stories, one could listen for hours. Also the way the boys in modern Turkey is exciting. Only the lousy director tried in all sorts of gimmicks, pseudo-historical film-scenes documentary, etc. Unfortunately, as worthless, and he has edited the film, which even what is cut off.
But just to hear grandpa Kyrgyz cheese recipes, it pays to watch the movie.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Thank You Baby Shower Peoms


fact that this film by a very good director was shot, one notices the fact that each scene has just the right length, at the end, one is amazed that two hours have actually been around and you get the feeling that one must go on but where it is just beautiful.

The story tells of women, a relationship network of rural Spain, which still works in Madrid, which helps somehow muddling through in life. The only man to be eliminated after a few scenes and has so far made only trouble anyway.
The story was to me perhaps a bit contrived dramatic, but after a long pause, the movie was a really watchable film.

Ah, and a very nice guy There it is!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Saddle Pads For Swayback Horses

el_tesafilm @ 2006-08-13T02: 38:00

the problem is with me and a live journal that I eigneltich never know what I'm doing, or what I have done. and when I try to remind myself it's not more so. I think I was at a friend called and I have played pc. legacy of time should know the who.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

At&t Iphone Setting Monterola Bluetooth

it sucks.

I consider that nothing matters and I see no real sense in my life.

a reflexion which is entirely justified.

I think about that tomorrow, I still my everyday life even with vlt will live fun.

I wonder who has determined that it is "healthy", this live, whose useful No one has found a clear, everyday life with fun and determined who has that "sick" is to recognize that it makes no sense, and from this sequence to do anything.

why it is treated with medications when a man with a clear mind to come to the realization that everything in principle is not important?

praise the logic why the scientists, however, fight back, however, they applied consistently, but condemn these people as sick?

why are substances that act on the man so that he ceases to think in depth and instead looks forward to his primitive existence as well?

it sucks, that has been set, consistently thinking people are sick.

I do not need to continue medication and no therapy to be brought to my small-living-daily grind. I've been doing on its own, but please, do not force you to even lie and say I saw a sense in all this.

who you are, that ye presume a thinking man to be condemned as sick?

no, I'm not in this specific situation. do not worry. keep to myself for I do not even sick, at least for me, no one wanted to deal with. which is probably because of the fact that my thoughts of caution and do not impart to just keep living.

I encourage me about it on how many are issued and other people will endure.

Striped Tank Top Boobs

want to get lost - wanderlust

this world is so incredibly small, or I'm just been here too long.
it feels as if kännte (conj of "I know;)) and everything I like there to discover anything new. of course there are so many places where I've never been, but her own support of them I know the pictures and the sounds already on the media. It was fortunate that there is no odor transfer. it draws me away from here, no matter where, but it changed nothing, I would be away from here. but ultimately everything is the same no matter where human is. the beauty of the glacier or the lush green of the rainforest, the lost rock in the pale green of the Scottish highlands or the bubbling geysers of Iceland - would sooner or later her fascination evaporates and thus also the possibility at all to long for something. negated by this assurance, the actual need for foreign as well. what remains is the vague see examined to lose. get lost. If I Only Knew wodrin since everything meaningless, small, yes void appears. the musi gives refuge a short, with lucky man loses a few seconds, a minute into what I can only describe as "large". something away from this little world that I call it so, even if it is certainly too large them to travel in a human life entirely.
but somehow it is also the music, which the longing to lose even more enlarged, it makes me a little glimpse of what there is outside the "small world" needs. As a child I had the ability to me in the game to lose, in worlds that up. this is very different from reading a book or movie watching. the latter is distraction, not lost. the ability to immerse themselves in their own world, I have not lost, but to go, lost it and to feel it as something new and exciting ...- value.
I am not dissatisfied with my life. only the conceptual denied me to call me so. I would un_zufrieden, it would also give a state of satisfaction, at least in theory, just the opposite of dissatisfaction. satisfied without the negative prefix "un". I can not imagine my life where I would be satisfied, so I'm not dissatisfied. "I do not know if one understands me, people."
some people may argue that it is possible this feeling that I'm looking for are (get lost) in love. believed in this man, this could apply.