Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bam Margera Wedding Invitations

37 Uses for a Dead Sheep

The Pamir Kirghiz lived as nomads in the western half of the Himalayan foothills, small Yurt villages could walk in the seasonal rhythm through the otherwise deserted area. In the cold steppes they operated mainly livestock: sheep, goats, camels and yaks were their livelihood, their horse passion.
expanded after World War II, the young Soviet Union out of their sphere of influence in Central Asia and cast a covetous eye on the cattle herds. Nationalization of agriculture, progress should be brought to remote villages, people brought to the order that had never been sheared by national borders or government.
The Pamir Kirghiz departed to the south of Afghanistan - still under British rule, but the Soviets moved soon after and took over the Power. In the East, China had more room for the Kyrgyz, but the Communist leadership in Beijing, extended their power quickly to the farthest corner of the vast country. An Islamic nomadic people, there was not very welcome. So
led the migration to the south, to Pakistan. Apparently the only way out, but also dead end: in the sub-tropical valleys, they could not pursue their way of life, the end of the trip was a refugee camp near Islamabad.

your charismatic Khan was looking for a solution, and Turkey, she offered was a village in eastern Anatolia stomped out of the ground and the remaining Pamir Kirghiz circa 1976 flown there. Turkish and Kyrgyz are apparently quite are similar, goats are in Anatolia, more than enough, and the little people lived in very well.

The film "37 Uses for a Dead Sheep" visited this village and told his story. If
release the toothless, bearded old earing their stories, one could listen for hours. Also the way the boys in modern Turkey is exciting. Only the lousy director tried in all sorts of gimmicks, pseudo-historical film-scenes documentary, etc. Unfortunately, as worthless, and he has edited the film, which even what is cut off.
But just to hear grandpa Kyrgyz cheese recipes, it pays to watch the movie.


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