Saturday, October 28, 2006

How To Write A Wedding Letter To My Wife

dietzel @ 2006-10-28T20: 07:00

So in an hour is likely to ring A. Here. Time to briefly to fire up the computer.

I tripped over my cable modem and have the plug gefetzt final. He was always being patched up already, now he was over it. What I have not noticed: the semi somehow still hanging on the telephone socket plug has held the phone like this to work. Who phoned me but heard the familiar sound, only with me it will not ring. Then I got a text message "Are you on vacation?" I have wanted to call back and realized that my phone does not go ... Well, new cables, everything goes back.

was then also the water connection leak in the kitchen. I thought the dishwasher was broken, because it was dripping out down there, luckily it was just a seal in an accessible position. But what these little things right afterwards go for a while!

own design, a frosted glass plate suspended from the ceiling, behind four 25-watt bulbs. It took a while to keep in my crumbly, the old ceiling.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Armor Lid Vs Undercover


Wait - the everyday life of a weekend relationship. Waiting for the next SMS, the next phone call the next meeting. But then nothing is, of course, every time a new gratitude for the that the other is still there, after days of descent in two separate worlds being together again. Curiosity about this other world, life, and attempting to understand others and to make themselves understood - or the attempt to make himself understood? We-feeling as enlightenment or just a new boundary with the rest of the world, opening up to others, or drawing in and collecting the other into his own upper story?

Just reading again (this matter) 'Strudlhofstiege "and come after five hundred pages of preliminaries to the interesting passages of which I never know if my school bag is too low or whether the less-but only Veal Affairs (the relative) are.
Did I mention that I (the relative) language in the "Strudlhofstiege" simply awesome find!

On Friday I was on the 50th Birthday of A. 's mother and have seen the whole family. A. had a Polaroid photo with you, made by all present photos and pasted into an album, then people had to what to write on her photo. Front were a couple of childhood photos of their mother commented that she had found her grandmother - the whole was certainly good entertainment and at the end of a beautiful remembrance gift.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Free Blueprints For Octogon Picnic Tables

dietzel @ 2006-10-17T15: 06:00

on Saturday in the yard of my grandmother, I could let off steam a bit myself: dead branches from the cherry trees cut a dead lilac vice chops, trimmed a clematis and wisteria properly. The cutting is so fast and Wegsägen, but you have all that stuff then divide so handy for compost corner to bring together, sweep ... in any case a very hard-working day.
Saturday night then to A., that is a very lazy Sunday.

The weather could remain so now that it lifts the spirits considerably.
still work for an hour, then I'm going to have any unhealthy piece of pure draw from the baker, and drink a cup of tea to do so. And turn on a CD from the library - I have borrowed Thelonious Monk (solo!), Daft Punk, Berg: Wozzeck, Sinatra (disappointing, much schmaltzy as I thought) and Brahms: Cello Concertos.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

12 Days Late Negative Pregnancy Test

Subject: Well Who well?

On Saturday evening I am late to A., we had time to work on Sunday afternoon they had to. Yesterday afternoon, she was with me and this morning when I had to work, we have gone together from the house.

you can quickly wiggle their nostrils. And a little bit with the ears.
She has a permanent grin on his face. I also probable.
In the elbow it is very ticklish.
My hair is too short for her hair ties.
your body temperature is at least two degrees higher than mine, her hands are warmer than my belly.
your knee cracks about as loud as my shoulder.

Since the last weekend they (or perhaps both of us?) Thawed a bit more. So much nonsense, tickle estates, shared laughter was not at the beginning, we were not married. Although this physicality - of course! - Is still fraught with a lot of uncertainty.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Crank Up Pontoon Trailer


am On Friday I got off pretty fast, not right after work, but still like I was at dinner with my parents. My grandparents were also there, later in the evening came my sister and her boyfriend, on Saturday then uncle, aunt and cousin. So Friday evening to Sunday even a real family gathering. How this is so, we did not do much - tells eaten a walk, gone. Exciting Topics course, the wedding of my sister - I think the two are a bit annoyed by the various comments and preparations - and my new girlfriend - not quite as exciting for lack of attending them.
'm On Sunday, I then grabbed my grandparents and they drove home. They were previously two weeks on a senior-Holidays in Northern Hesse and my parents had picked her up from there, so she stood there without a car. After all, a journey of three and a half hours, but on Sundays it can go so well. After a short break ... [Digression: Only eat something. Then Gunter got the idea, I should still take bulbs that would be just ripe. It was pitch dark outside but already - he had since Lamp, and in the wall near the pear tree is a power outlet. So let's get out in the grass were all mushy pears that had fallen down during the last two weeks, and the socket looking for. Somewhere in the bushes, under brambles, we have the lamp plugged in and also - oh, yes I have to flick the switch still in the cellar - brought to light. Together and even sought a basket of reasonably beautiful pears that taste absolutely fantastic now and fill my fridge with pear scent.] ... After this action therefore continues to A. The fact
had both Monday and Tuesday to get free, we had two whole days at a stretch for us. How this is so, we do not have done a lot - says, eating, walking, gone. And liner down! I first got on the things, but it went very well, I was very excited. Once around the Baldeney Lake, about an hour we were underway, but unfortunately it was raining at the end. We are wet, happy and somewhat ko arrived.
After four days with a loved one, I was pumped full on Tuesday evening so so with luck (and to write here chasing my pulse already high and enables the stomach to the apex of a loop) - I had it were already used to it and the more difficult It was then to go home. A. In going down the stairs has provided nearly nausea.

Well, and now first day back announced. The apartment is cold, empty and dirty laundry to be washed, and in the evening and morning phone calls to A. get up at six clock need to be not funny.