Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Employee Discount On Dishwashers At Best Buy

it does not matter

and oh what a feeling inside of me,
it might last for an hour.
wounds are not healing Inside of me,
though it feels good now.
i know it's only for now.

so, the grade has nothing to add, many thanks to the lord gore highly valued.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

How To Change Battery In Gm Remote Control


life's about confusion. sometimes i think that's it all doubts occurred. I'm wondering, WEATHER i fell in love. I'm not sure. maybe it's just, because. I'd love anybody more than the one, i should actually love at the moment. i really do not know. let's follow Lenin's wait and see policy and wait and see, where we get with it.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Remington Modular Combat Shotgun


I am also: 1 year before the final school closure. barely a month before I'm an adult. and more and more I realize you were there live a. a whole life and it belongs only to you. But what begins to live with one?

how many times I've played role-playing and looking forward to the many choices. "That is so real!" "You can let the whole development of character" and now I'm sitting here and suddenly I will not even go so many ways, so many can "skills" to acquire. I'm terribly free. everyone knows "the sims", each is created before such a figure and a small history considered to have determined which job, what clothes, what interests, what sexual affection, how much money, what kind of an apartment of the sim should. incredibly cool anyway.

suddenly, but as this sim caro. not only heard "Flupp" as he was from child to adult. more surprising that it now is there. well, some things are certain. - Only what? even the most essential - his musical tastes - can be selected.

there is no question of who I am. there is no answer like: "be yourself" I'm the player, I choose - god same - as this has to be a sim.

there is no internal I very deeply in me that is waiting to be found. there is only one calibrated personality matrix. and this calibration is in my hand.

is how do I know who I want to be? should I have to do to shape itself, have not spiritual one that has some ideas? some ethics? But if this spirit in me is, then where are his ideas that come his ethics, but when that which is to be I have not even exist? when what I should be only be formed when either?

>> You throw me into confusion and even desperation \u0026lt;\u0026lt;

it's all about fun, you know? since there's no 'meaning of life' or any crap like that, it's all about fun, isn't it? so why the hell shall i worry about, who i want to be. see, as long as you laugh, everything is allright, right? see, no one really cares about you anyways. no, that's no self-pity, it's just reality and you know what? i'm glad things work out that way. i'm glad. if it wasn't like this, if it really made a difference, who i am, if the world really - you know, like cared_, if i really mattered, how the hell could i be able to take all the responsibility? is it ok, to say, senslessness provides freedom? i do think so. at least, it's a great attitude to get along.

unglücklicherweise autosuggestion works only sometimes.
confused, as always.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Speaches For 60th Birthdays

dietzel @ 2006-12-04T13: 03:00

The beauty of the entries here is yes, you even think about it, what you have done so lately. For me it was driving above all: to A., to my parents, I was quite the move. At home I've assembled a new computer - with the usual teething problems. And of course the work, here's lately a lot to do. Nothing exciting or anything worth mentioning, but I am still a little stressed.

this was the weekend at my parent's very relaxing. With cookies, Advent and comfort. And is equivalent to A. To me, because she has this day off, which is of course much better!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Grocery Store Sell Frozen Yogurt


"He rises!" - "Now he flies!" - "Let it fly, let it go!"
on the arms and legs were a number of fair-balloons attached, so many that she Guido - the smallest and most slender of my primary school class - raised in the air. The other let go and he went flying, of which there was no way to transport him back to earth. A strong gust of wind drove him from the side, I rushed after the only one.
was through the open door, he blew into the stairwell and increased in the hexagonal structure to the roof. I climbed onto the struts of the ceiling structure and caught Guido, could it, now small and cylindrical, land safely on the stairs.
Not so the second air balloon victims: the balloons burst in the stairway, leaving the cargo falling into the cellar. Shrinking and astringent to the naked little bodies formed the plastic pieces have a bubble in which the victim was caught. Through the fall and the plastic, he was sure dead, I wanted to leave the basement when I saw that but still something was moving. In the gray, semi-transparent thin pink plastic bag moving arms and legs. I am so disgusted that I did not managed to free him, but ran up the basement stairs, pulled out my phone and wanted to dial the emergency number. In looking back I saw that there ar a woman who had put in the bubble: they had been freed and now rolled on his back, his whole body completely burned.
The phone was to use a little unusual: the display, there were many bodies, all of which is at zero, and at any place associated keys: when pressed, the indicator jumped to one, two and so on. However, somehow I pressed the wrong button and ended up in the channel selection and other technical menus. As I sat in the doorway, I was a young woman who wanted to go in there, yelled, I was sitting in the way and why I did that. I replied that it was something happens, they would learn in already, or they could well go into the cellar and see - what they then did.
I finally managed to produce in the third position in the display and chose a one to the emergency. It is reported, a police officer, I explained my concerns, but then realized that this was only an answering machine, which hung up again. After a brief moment of shock I was but another police station also connected, where you promised to send help.
The woman who had yelled me came running back out of the cellar, and we became good friends. The
Ambulance arrived, the doctor and several paramedics with carrying went to the basement while we were waiting outside the house. Unfortunately, he came back with a shrug after some time, and the fat paramedics only grinned ruefully - the victim was already dead, they could not do anything.
My new friends and I went to the pub, it quickly became more crowded, all young girls came in the door. Was Monday or Friday? Monday new schools came here on a school trip, Friday to a rented clubs over the weekend. My friend had meanwhile become an old married couple, with whom I am, sitting on steps, as they were in school in the break room, entertained. Then came an old man, bent, with bumps and terrible excesses. It was the dead air balloon offering, which sat down with us. His wife was also included. We talked about gardening, both aged couples, the dead and the living, understood very well. It was a very conciliatory, nice conversation, which took off from the surrounding soothing babble of teen girls, and in the course of which the excesses of the dead people were more and more until he got a but wrinkled, but very dignified face.
Bowed he walked away from the restaurant.

I had a dream this morning already so well forgotten, in the shower, I had only so the dull feeling: "There was something, something disgusting ... "- at once I remembered everything back on this man in the charred remains of balloon -. phew, the creepy ...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Powered Kidde Smoke Detector Chirping


Hey, was after quite a long time once again in the biggest film I multiplex. Cinema of Germany have seen.

One can moreover avoid the worst Goofy nuts in the audience, get a good seat in the house and understand the Wortspielchen a good bit better if you look at the original.

The film is quite cheeky. The basic principle is to act as a television reporter and distort the position of the opponent into the grotesque, to use worst stereotypes or formulate views radically. Then you might see the reaction of others to wait no longer to know what to make of it: Actually these are their own views, but that's not for me it has meant. When Borat yells: "We support our boys in Iraq!" all clap wildly, he rises to "drink the blood of Bush May every man, woman or child in Iraq!" to which then had a certain restlessness in the audience makes wide.
The story that binds the individual scenes together, however, is plenty weak. The best one looks at the film as a series of individual sketches. You can also find the humor at times a bit too rough, but the nerve! Ignore all of that total political correctness! that has something special.

are apparently most of the scenes were actually filmed without the knowledge of "interviewees". I would have thought that a few times actors were used - which would have harmed the film is not in my view, this questionable authenticity does not, it's just a movie. Irgenwelche politicians to film the interview and that is ok to send you, too, are for the weak sense that they mortise responsible. Drunken expose students to speak in the world is against public plenty unfair.

Monday, November 6, 2006

Gay Brazilian Bait Bus

heat and cold

but everything is really normal. Work, sometimes a bit of stress, sometimes it's fun. Shopping, do household. Occasionally the Friend visit or visits will be. Actually, everything was normal - but the couple of hours with A. give the whole day, even if it is not close to a beautiful shine. Always in the background there's this positive attitude. So far, I knew the maximum in the negative sense, ie that something is happening or imminent, which has colored everything else, all day, with worry or anxiety. Good vibrations rule, so to speak ...

My apartment is very cold again, just as it was so cold I had turned down the heating was not even at home. Brrr ... This single-glazed windows historic suck all the heat from the room, and radiators, appropriately enough in the corner opposite the windows are installed, so slow!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

How To Write A Wedding Letter To My Wife

dietzel @ 2006-10-28T20: 07:00

So in an hour is likely to ring A. Here. Time to briefly to fire up the computer.

I tripped over my cable modem and have the plug gefetzt final. He was always being patched up already, now he was over it. What I have not noticed: the semi somehow still hanging on the telephone socket plug has held the phone like this to work. Who phoned me but heard the familiar sound, only with me it will not ring. Then I got a text message "Are you on vacation?" I have wanted to call back and realized that my phone does not go ... Well, new cables, everything goes back.

was then also the water connection leak in the kitchen. I thought the dishwasher was broken, because it was dripping out down there, luckily it was just a seal in an accessible position. But what these little things right afterwards go for a while!

own design, a frosted glass plate suspended from the ceiling, behind four 25-watt bulbs. It took a while to keep in my crumbly, the old ceiling.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Armor Lid Vs Undercover


Wait - the everyday life of a weekend relationship. Waiting for the next SMS, the next phone call the next meeting. But then nothing is, of course, every time a new gratitude for the that the other is still there, after days of descent in two separate worlds being together again. Curiosity about this other world, life, and attempting to understand others and to make themselves understood - or the attempt to make himself understood? We-feeling as enlightenment or just a new boundary with the rest of the world, opening up to others, or drawing in and collecting the other into his own upper story?

Just reading again (this matter) 'Strudlhofstiege "and come after five hundred pages of preliminaries to the interesting passages of which I never know if my school bag is too low or whether the less-but only Veal Affairs (the relative) are.
Did I mention that I (the relative) language in the "Strudlhofstiege" simply awesome find!

On Friday I was on the 50th Birthday of A. 's mother and have seen the whole family. A. had a Polaroid photo with you, made by all present photos and pasted into an album, then people had to what to write on her photo. Front were a couple of childhood photos of their mother commented that she had found her grandmother - the whole was certainly good entertainment and at the end of a beautiful remembrance gift.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Free Blueprints For Octogon Picnic Tables

dietzel @ 2006-10-17T15: 06:00

on Saturday in the yard of my grandmother, I could let off steam a bit myself: dead branches from the cherry trees cut a dead lilac vice chops, trimmed a clematis and wisteria properly. The cutting is so fast and Wegsägen, but you have all that stuff then divide so handy for compost corner to bring together, sweep ... in any case a very hard-working day.
Saturday night then to A., that is a very lazy Sunday.

The weather could remain so now that it lifts the spirits considerably.
still work for an hour, then I'm going to have any unhealthy piece of pure draw from the baker, and drink a cup of tea to do so. And turn on a CD from the library - I have borrowed Thelonious Monk (solo!), Daft Punk, Berg: Wozzeck, Sinatra (disappointing, much schmaltzy as I thought) and Brahms: Cello Concertos.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

12 Days Late Negative Pregnancy Test

Subject: Well Who well?

On Saturday evening I am late to A., we had time to work on Sunday afternoon they had to. Yesterday afternoon, she was with me and this morning when I had to work, we have gone together from the house.

you can quickly wiggle their nostrils. And a little bit with the ears.
She has a permanent grin on his face. I also probable.
In the elbow it is very ticklish.
My hair is too short for her hair ties.
your body temperature is at least two degrees higher than mine, her hands are warmer than my belly.
your knee cracks about as loud as my shoulder.

Since the last weekend they (or perhaps both of us?) Thawed a bit more. So much nonsense, tickle estates, shared laughter was not at the beginning, we were not married. Although this physicality - of course! - Is still fraught with a lot of uncertainty.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Crank Up Pontoon Trailer


am On Friday I got off pretty fast, not right after work, but still like I was at dinner with my parents. My grandparents were also there, later in the evening came my sister and her boyfriend, on Saturday then uncle, aunt and cousin. So Friday evening to Sunday even a real family gathering. How this is so, we did not do much - tells eaten a walk, gone. Exciting Topics course, the wedding of my sister - I think the two are a bit annoyed by the various comments and preparations - and my new girlfriend - not quite as exciting for lack of attending them.
'm On Sunday, I then grabbed my grandparents and they drove home. They were previously two weeks on a senior-Holidays in Northern Hesse and my parents had picked her up from there, so she stood there without a car. After all, a journey of three and a half hours, but on Sundays it can go so well. After a short break ... [Digression: Only eat something. Then Gunter got the idea, I should still take bulbs that would be just ripe. It was pitch dark outside but already - he had since Lamp, and in the wall near the pear tree is a power outlet. So let's get out in the grass were all mushy pears that had fallen down during the last two weeks, and the socket looking for. Somewhere in the bushes, under brambles, we have the lamp plugged in and also - oh, yes I have to flick the switch still in the cellar - brought to light. Together and even sought a basket of reasonably beautiful pears that taste absolutely fantastic now and fill my fridge with pear scent.] ... After this action therefore continues to A. The fact
had both Monday and Tuesday to get free, we had two whole days at a stretch for us. How this is so, we do not have done a lot - says, eating, walking, gone. And liner down! I first got on the things, but it went very well, I was very excited. Once around the Baldeney Lake, about an hour we were underway, but unfortunately it was raining at the end. We are wet, happy and somewhat ko arrived.
After four days with a loved one, I was pumped full on Tuesday evening so so with luck (and to write here chasing my pulse already high and enables the stomach to the apex of a loop) - I had it were already used to it and the more difficult It was then to go home. A. In going down the stairs has provided nearly nausea.

Well, and now first day back announced. The apartment is cold, empty and dirty laundry to be washed, and in the evening and morning phone calls to A. get up at six clock need to be not funny.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How To Load The Crosman 760

The way forward

Monday I took that off, so long weekend!
On Friday evening it will go to my parents, family party on the occasion of the birthday of my mother. Sunday evening back again, probably equal to A., though - probably - on Monday to work. Maybe we get lucky and get it free, free or Tuesday, that would be nicer than a common morning. Yesterday afternoon came here

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Polaroid One Step 600 Instant Film Cameras

LightRoutes Lüdenscheid

A. After a few jams, it was then but a little later.

We then soon moved to Lüdenscheid, since yesterday was the opening of the light-routing, ie different light installations by artists and designers spread across the city.

The first thing we saw were two benches, fully transparent through the inside of fluorescent tubes. The light was quite bright and sitting on it could only perceive as black shadows. to sit Dadrauf was also very funny.
In "Huldah the market," we ate a snack.
on the square in front of the restaurant was another installation: at the spot where once stood a chapel, the floor was shiny gold-painted, placed around a scaffolding and the area of lit up very bright. The light drew the room to where the chapel once was.
Next stop was the Redeemer Church, whose tower was lit from the outside with different projectors, the moving, colorful patterns conjured up on the wall. That was very nice in that size, color and luminosity. The church was opened and the interior completely unlit, except for candles that stood on each bank of the gear side. After a while, until the eyes adjusted to the darkness, gave a charming picture. The opening ceremony
called "flurry" should take place in the direction of our parking lot, the fit anyway, so we marched back again. Heading still been in another church - the installation was in the tower room, directly below Clock and bells. First, a spiral stairs, then on to the wooden bridges over the vault tower room. The artist has collected fragments of abandoned grave stones record, in the Scripture, so that it lights up under ultraviolet light. This was the sound of the clock tower, which rotates every minute with great Raaa-Tschack a gear, amplified and fed into the room. A little creepy, but very good.
The "flurry", however, was not "very good" but incredibly long-winded and boring. The moderator has first presented with unpleasant quality jokes all parties, after half an hour's was too stupid to us and we They beat it.

slept little, but thoroughly. Nice to know someone by his side.
Now she is gone, and I do not even know when we can meet again.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tiffany Granath Fotos


the bed frame for my newly acquired bed bases + mattress I zusammengeschreinert yesterday itself. Until now it still holds. The bed head is but a bit more complex thing, maybe on the weekend.
morning, stress testing ...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Preeclampsia Labetalol But Feel Bad

It would almost kitschy if it's not as nice would

If you wait a long time and is looking forward to something, as a fan at a concert for example, or hungry in the restaurant's food, then it can happen that you will be disappointed. But if you have happy like a kid on Christmas can not be disappointed be.

After a week, from Friday evening to Friday evening, I had (we had [and how beautiful it is, "we" to say]) again only to realize that is the reality. Not just a voice on the phone or SMS.

The weather was exceptionally with and on Saturday we once walked around the lake Kemnader have fueled the sun and watching hordes of inline skaters.

can sit canoodling on the sofa and be surprisingly uncomfortable ;-) Mainly because I have just brought a rather painful inflammation in the shoulder behind me and still can not load properly.
From Friday to Saturday, I've hardly slept a wink. Somewhere else to stay than at home I was never really haunted, to the pulse to 180 a couple of innocent good-night kisses, and then someone next to me, to whom one can cuddle in ... At least I was not cold, otherwise I always cold in bed. And from Saturday to Sunday, then I slept like a baby, tonight I'll miss it already.

Now I undergo a permanent grin on his face and has only eyes for a moment to me to miss even a feeling in my stomach like a rollercoaster ride.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Shoulder Pain Kidney Infection

may Tourist in E

Oh, what should you do with the weather because concentrated in the office and sit? But if I do not do, so only come out in overtime.

I've used so far only three of the six possible icons Therefore, here again three:

zz06icon.jpg zz06icon.jpg zz06icon.jpg

view from the café on the coke



technology - Jungle



art was also around



And of course lots of old machinery parts, of which nobody knows what they were good times.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Care Of A Pet Lobster


My sister told me that my grandma could use a cup of birthday, she has seen during a visit with me in a shop window. In this visit, my grandma has something like: "Look, these cups but I have too!" have said, now is one of those cups broken out of their service and my sister has noticed all this, and drawn their conclusions for a meaningful gift.
I know neither where the business was, nor what the cup looks exactly. "Something like English on it with flowers ..." But I will now go in search of this cup. When I say in business: I am looking for a certain cup, I do not know what she looks like, nor whether it was your business at all, in which they standing around again - the seller will be happy! Apart from

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Clear License Plate Cover Illegal Nj

Here I write down

peck on the cheek or, earlier, kissing of aunts, relatives and parents, that was yesterday night, the first kiss.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Does Mold Stick To Plastic?


Yesterday something in the Ruhr way: first in Dortmund, where I bought after a long time back a couple of magazines - here in the village's something's not there. And I also saw "War of the Roses - Journal of separation, divorce and a new beginning." Which will at least not so quickly from the readers.

In Bochum a short trip to the botanical garden and a few pictures taken, the weather was surprisingly good.
wanted Then I continue to eat, there's just catering area in the inner city and do with as he restaurant. Before that, I still have a few photos in the coal mine Zollverein made and drank a coffee in the coke-cafe, the cafe with the best views in all of food.

In the city it was completely full, when there was famine and only here, there'd be something to eat. Things sounded all good and the prices were so 5:00 to 9:00 for a € Portiönchen.
I have eaten by then once. Therefore, here is a gourmet critic ...
I started with "Crêperouladentranchen" where I first tranches have read Trongschn ;-) So instead of a pancake with salmon covered and coated with Forellenmus rolled up, and then - no, not served, but only takes half a day, somewhere in of freezer storage. Something you can actually prepare well and only then Serve when the Crêpeteig has become tough. From the pancake that is, two slices aka installments, plus a dollop of sour cream and the rest of the dish was filled with meaningless green leaves. Well, at least with a dressing and a halved mini-tomato, you could almost call it salad. A microscopic sprigs dill sour cream on the way, brings in terms of taste anything. But the fish tasted good.
Next scallops with lentils. The three shells were quite bitter. And the white truffle has only once briefly looked inside the door, in the sauce I have not tasted it anyway. The lenses, however, were good.
order to remain in the fish, the third a tuna carpaccio. The fish was good, but you can not help yourself to drown in oil! Since the vinaigrette would now belong to the first chef salad lavished on the flap. On the tuna a handful of arugula, in comparison to the shockingly bad taste from the garden. And everything in this slimy puddle of oil ...
But the dessert! Peach tiramisu with Calvados apples! And the apples were just right, crunchy, sour-sweet, red on the outside of a little Calvados, but not alcohol-flooded. Peach I have not noticed much, but the tiramisu was great anyway! Total
great title for the dishes - with lobster, mussels, quail and noble name. In the version then rather homely. Actually I wanted to try the horse-sour pork, but I did not really cause much.
I wonder why on a typical day, no one offered regularly - upscale snacks to take home. Since it ought in the inner cities to give a lot of customers yesterday were indeed to all estates long lines.

Today's rains. And although the time. I'm going to cook me tea now NEN.

Friday, September 1, 2006

Cervical Mucus 8 Days Before Period

dietzel @ 2006-09-01T22: 03:00

are today delivered the slats and mattress. What is missing is aussenrum the bed ...

photo from the next hill to the village's down:


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Can Baby Cockroaches Go On Pillows


the weekend in short sentences: On Friday evening
my sister came and Andreas here.
Saturday then to Cologne, in the evening here in the village to the Spaniards - a pub in the tennis clubhouse, but quite acceptable.
The two then drove on Sunday afternoon on, before we were in Arnsberg, I also previously known only from passing by. We had a lot of luck with the weather, in Arnsberg has poured precisely because, as we sat in the cafe (and in a very nice cafe into the bargain).

At work there's a lot to do, so many different things and all the jostling. A somewhat tense atmosphere, although we were usually relaxed and at greater stress, I do not know how it comes.
I still have a bread in the oven plugged sours the dough has been a half days to himself. Something a lot of water in the dough, let's see what comes of it.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pain Of Diverticulitis

The neck of the giraffe

Before I even had joked that the film would have as its title: long. He had for some lengths, car rides, train rides, which seemed a bit too long. Otherwise, a nice bittersweet family story that lives mainly on the good actors and also tells alive.
particularly beautiful and the landscapes: Biarritz must have some very nice corners, I will even go there! (Yes, where you could go anywhere ...)

Since the film began at seven, it was behind still really bright and we had time to sit with us in a pub and gossip.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Acupuncture Toronto Salary


Hach, that was beautiful on Saturday! First we went to the sea and have set ourselves on the warm stones, with a great view of many small sailing boats and no one else in sight. It was really warm again until there came a storm and drove us. Then we ate a plum cake (as always when purchased with immature plum) and in the evening of town's hard to neighboring towns. Since the weather had calmed down, but they were offered mainly feeding and Saufbuden and mediocre music.

I'm learning, but slowly and with setbacks. On Thursday, then the next Lesson ...

Just my dinner consisted of self-collected mushrooms. If this journal end abruptly here, I ask the reader to make a donation to the German poison mushroom reconnaissance eV

Friday, August 18, 2006

Solution Level 19 Electric Box

Lauter women

Since Monday I have an intern in the office, has just done Abi. Now I have the four weeks or less deal makes sense - first, they could type in endless columns of numbers into Excel spreadsheets ...

Angelina morning comes to visit. And next weekend will stop by my sister. Lauter unusual social contacts, I feel overwhelmed - no, actually I feel it's very good.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bam Margera Wedding Invitations

37 Uses for a Dead Sheep

The Pamir Kirghiz lived as nomads in the western half of the Himalayan foothills, small Yurt villages could walk in the seasonal rhythm through the otherwise deserted area. In the cold steppes they operated mainly livestock: sheep, goats, camels and yaks were their livelihood, their horse passion.
expanded after World War II, the young Soviet Union out of their sphere of influence in Central Asia and cast a covetous eye on the cattle herds. Nationalization of agriculture, progress should be brought to remote villages, people brought to the order that had never been sheared by national borders or government.
The Pamir Kirghiz departed to the south of Afghanistan - still under British rule, but the Soviets moved soon after and took over the Power. In the East, China had more room for the Kyrgyz, but the Communist leadership in Beijing, extended their power quickly to the farthest corner of the vast country. An Islamic nomadic people, there was not very welcome. So
led the migration to the south, to Pakistan. Apparently the only way out, but also dead end: in the sub-tropical valleys, they could not pursue their way of life, the end of the trip was a refugee camp near Islamabad.

your charismatic Khan was looking for a solution, and Turkey, she offered was a village in eastern Anatolia stomped out of the ground and the remaining Pamir Kirghiz circa 1976 flown there. Turkish and Kyrgyz are apparently quite are similar, goats are in Anatolia, more than enough, and the little people lived in very well.

The film "37 Uses for a Dead Sheep" visited this village and told his story. If
release the toothless, bearded old earing their stories, one could listen for hours. Also the way the boys in modern Turkey is exciting. Only the lousy director tried in all sorts of gimmicks, pseudo-historical film-scenes documentary, etc. Unfortunately, as worthless, and he has edited the film, which even what is cut off.
But just to hear grandpa Kyrgyz cheese recipes, it pays to watch the movie.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Thank You Baby Shower Peoms


fact that this film by a very good director was shot, one notices the fact that each scene has just the right length, at the end, one is amazed that two hours have actually been around and you get the feeling that one must go on but where it is just beautiful.

The story tells of women, a relationship network of rural Spain, which still works in Madrid, which helps somehow muddling through in life. The only man to be eliminated after a few scenes and has so far made only trouble anyway.
The story was to me perhaps a bit contrived dramatic, but after a long pause, the movie was a really watchable film.

Ah, and a very nice guy There it is!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Saddle Pads For Swayback Horses

el_tesafilm @ 2006-08-13T02: 38:00

the problem is with me and a live journal that I eigneltich never know what I'm doing, or what I have done. and when I try to remind myself it's not more so. I think I was at a friend called and I have played pc. legacy of time should know the who.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

At&t Iphone Setting Monterola Bluetooth

it sucks.

I consider that nothing matters and I see no real sense in my life.

a reflexion which is entirely justified.

I think about that tomorrow, I still my everyday life even with vlt will live fun.

I wonder who has determined that it is "healthy", this live, whose useful No one has found a clear, everyday life with fun and determined who has that "sick" is to recognize that it makes no sense, and from this sequence to do anything.

why it is treated with medications when a man with a clear mind to come to the realization that everything in principle is not important?

praise the logic why the scientists, however, fight back, however, they applied consistently, but condemn these people as sick?

why are substances that act on the man so that he ceases to think in depth and instead looks forward to his primitive existence as well?

it sucks, that has been set, consistently thinking people are sick.

I do not need to continue medication and no therapy to be brought to my small-living-daily grind. I've been doing on its own, but please, do not force you to even lie and say I saw a sense in all this.

who you are, that ye presume a thinking man to be condemned as sick?

no, I'm not in this specific situation. do not worry. keep to myself for I do not even sick, at least for me, no one wanted to deal with. which is probably because of the fact that my thoughts of caution and do not impart to just keep living.

I encourage me about it on how many are issued and other people will endure.

Striped Tank Top Boobs

want to get lost - wanderlust

this world is so incredibly small, or I'm just been here too long.
it feels as if kännte (conj of "I know;)) and everything I like there to discover anything new. of course there are so many places where I've never been, but her own support of them I know the pictures and the sounds already on the media. It was fortunate that there is no odor transfer. it draws me away from here, no matter where, but it changed nothing, I would be away from here. but ultimately everything is the same no matter where human is. the beauty of the glacier or the lush green of the rainforest, the lost rock in the pale green of the Scottish highlands or the bubbling geysers of Iceland - would sooner or later her fascination evaporates and thus also the possibility at all to long for something. negated by this assurance, the actual need for foreign as well. what remains is the vague see examined to lose. get lost. If I Only Knew wodrin since everything meaningless, small, yes void appears. the musi gives refuge a short, with lucky man loses a few seconds, a minute into what I can only describe as "large". something away from this little world that I call it so, even if it is certainly too large them to travel in a human life entirely.
but somehow it is also the music, which the longing to lose even more enlarged, it makes me a little glimpse of what there is outside the "small world" needs. As a child I had the ability to me in the game to lose, in worlds that up. this is very different from reading a book or movie watching. the latter is distraction, not lost. the ability to immerse themselves in their own world, I have not lost, but to go, lost it and to feel it as something new and exciting ...- value.
I am not dissatisfied with my life. only the conceptual denied me to call me so. I would un_zufrieden, it would also give a state of satisfaction, at least in theory, just the opposite of dissatisfaction. satisfied without the negative prefix "un". I can not imagine my life where I would be satisfied, so I'm not dissatisfied. "I do not know if one understands me, people."
some people may argue that it is possible this feeling that I'm looking for are (get lost) in love. believed in this man, this could apply.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Prolixcis Male Enhancement

el_tesafilm @ 2006-07-23T19: 17:00

a weekend. it is something nice at night for hours at a 2 on a wide field to stand and look in the sky. shooting stars during which three are on the sky and I shrugged held this man in my poor.
I do not stand on kitsch-romance, but the fascination of the moment should be a man. I held her, nothing more, in my arms firmly. It was pitch dark and the forest park appeared on the way back as the deepest. I must confess that I was afraid.
I wore them. anyway it is clear that I have assumed the male part and the temptation was to make a clic to-man simply alluring. "Canst thou not take me! I can do it! Can you tell me .. non!" and I could not.
I stood there, grinning ear to both the darkness visible because of not happiness. there is no love. It is pure curiosity and temptation, enticement, even if the word may not exist.
(50meters enough enticement to bring it back to sell the rest)
she was afraid, I'm not. What am I to be afraid. since the matter with the people that I loved broke up, I'm much more sober. I have no fear that it is widening between us, I mean between me and supported, as it has them.
it would be quite normal and I would take it. anyway I think I would cope mitlerweile everything. This is to cope with a pure common thing. you can still be happy. the ability to, I will never lose. which points can be when it's raining and you hear good music, for example. no matter what else happens. one can be happy when you dance or read a good book when you lie in the sun or gaze at the stars when a nice man hugs at night or swimming in a lake, and every laugh is a real piece of luck. Of what should I be afraid?
but I know this feeling of fear to a human. It's something I used to versüprt too. strange that shcon with 17 as old can be, how I am, without wanting to specify. I'm a child's head and prepared to make any stupid, I am not sensible, but otherwise I'm very old. much older than her years, with its 19th
I could never hurt her. there are people who are fragile and so it is. So I say that everything is ok, that will not go broke between us. that there is no reason to do so. and I lie. because everything that can go wrong and the reasons are almost infinite in number. Apart from that, we are fundamentally different and while it has found me in her first love, I see it as a man with whom I feel connected, but not one to whom I am bound. there is a big difference.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Why Is My Desmume Lagging


melancholy, "while I had it done, look forward to me today, at 12 clock I wanted to do with it" - no sooner eigenltich. schooool's out for summer.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Neutrogena Nose Bleeds

el_tesafilm @ 2006-02-27T23: 42:00

Emilia Galotti, a penalty, but some with interesting aspects. Wednesday night I'm going to quote a few nice lines, today I am filled with the subjects. but the day was by and large satisfied REPRESENTATIONS. nachhilfe give them happy. if the fear would be cut off from German yet, everything was great. Gibts lsutiges what to talk about today? . Think probably not. in memory of salad fingers, good night!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Can Cervical Polyps Come Back

el_tesafilm @ 2006-02-26T21: 27:00

a wonderful weekend. 7 hours on the old star wars movies and viewed the flat ass sitting in front of the pc, because man has not a dvd player. the whole course together. as it was then not care that my mother against me this evening as a sick day, called supposedly only because I am sitting in front of the pc. this is not the case, however, does not matter, because I am concerned only einfahc well. It is strange, but I feel the need for security may still not give up entirely, however it did for over a year so it seemed.

Friday, February 24, 2006

When Does Rash Appear With Glandular Fever

hello world.

so now that I am. did not think that I am actually still live in this verschlägt here. It's amazing what can the time so bring everything with them.
today: Today was an almost normal day. an overdose of cough syrup, can not be reached due to unfortunate circumstances have come to meet. quite normal. and to be precise, this was also yesterday.